
Celebritiji u muzeju/Celebrities in the museum

Update nakon objavljivanja, golly&bossy su i službeno postali cool blog!!!

Update, golly&bossy are now officially cool, too, and can be found on the cool blogs list!!!!!


Dragi Naši,
Portreti u zbirci grafika Hrvatskog povijesnog muzeja. Današnjim rječnikom rečeno ko su bili celebritiji prošlosti. Naravno da to nismo mogli propustit.

Inače, ovo nan je jedan od dražih muzeja. Jadničci, nemaju puno mista, ali uvik imaju super super izložbe. I jedva čekamo kad će se priselit u novu zgradu i zapravo posao snova bi nan bi u Hrvatsken povijesnen muzeju. Da ne ispade da smo ove skule završili za onu stvar.

Portraits In The Print Collection of the Croatian History Museum. Or, as we would say today – the celebrities of the past. Of course we couldn’t miss that.

By the way, this is one of our favourite Zagreb museums. Poor guys, they are so limited with space, but they always have great exhibitions. And we can’t wait for them to move to a new building. Actually our dream job would be in the Croatian History Museum.

Kad reču da je sadašnja trenutak opsjednuta slavnima. Mislim ono stvarno. Ovo je stol s portretima Napoleona i njegovih generala. Najviše što min možemo imat po stolu su trač magazini. 1809:2009 – 1:0

It is often said that we live in a celebrity obsessed culture. Soooo, wrong. This is the table with the portrait of Napoleon and his generals. The most we can have on our tables today are gossip magazines. 1809:2009 – 1:0

Zrinski su isto bili megapopularni. Ima ih svih raznoraznih i njihovi portreti su se činili po cilon Evropi. Ovo je Nikola Zrinski, ne oni iz Sigeta nego njegov praunuk što je napisa Adrianskoga mora Sirenu, prvi mađarski ep. Brat Petar mu je to preve na hrvatski prin nego je zaglavi u Bečkom Novom Mjestu. Ili bolje rečeno odglavi. A izgleda da potomaka Zrinkih još uvik ima i to u Grčkoj i zovu se Sdrinias. Koja sapunica, nema danas više takvih priča, a-a…

The Zrinski family was also megapopular and their portraits were made all over Europe. This is Nikola Zrinski who wrote the first Hungarian epic poem The Syren of the Adriatic Sea. It was his brother Peter who translated it into Croatian before he literarly lost his head in Wiener Neustadt. It seems that there are still Zrinski descendants, living in Greece under the name of Sdrinias. Now that is a soap opera material, something one can’t find today, a-a….

Franjo Josip i Sissi. Angelina Jolie i Brad Pitt prima njima su mala dica.

Franz Joseph and Sissi. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are simply the amateurs comparing to them.

Ovo nan je fora. Ovo su kao za stolom slavni Dubrovčani. Na čelu naravno Cvijeta Zuzorić. Koja je bila megazvijezda u svoje vrime, svi su je obožavali, pisali joj pjesme, bila je najljepša od najljepših i pripametna, a od nje ni sačuvana ni jedna slika, ni jedno slovo. Znači, svi njeni portreti su izmišljeni. Ako to ni potvrda obožavanja slavnih, ne znamo što ije.

This is cool. It is like the famous people from Dubrovnik history are seated at the table. At the head of the table is of course Cvijeta Zuzorić. Who was a megastar back then, everybody adored her, wrote poems for her, she was the most beautiful of the most beautifuls and supersmart, and not one image or a word of her survived. So, all her portraits are actually the fiction. If that is not a proof of celebrity obsession, we don’t know what is.

Min uvik volimo zavirit u knjigu dojmova. Iz ove smo zaključili da u Hrvatski povijesni muzej uglavnom dohodu furešti. Sram vas bilo domaći.
A ovi se određeni furešti pitaju da po čemu su svi ovi ljudi bili slavni?

When in museum we always like to check the guest book. This one told us that it is mostly foreign tourist that visits Croatian History Museum. Shame on you homies.
And this particulate tourists are wondering what are this people famous for.

O nesrićni furešti. Što vi mislite da golly&bossy tek tako vole ovi muzej? Naravno da su vridni muzealci napisali ko su i što su svi ovi ljudi, priveli na engleski, sve to složili u male knjižice i stavili po dvi u svaku sobu tako da lipo možete vidit i pročitat.

Oh dear tourist. What do you think, that golly&bossy like this museum for no reason? Of course that the attentive museum workers wrote who were all this people and what they did, translated that into English and put all that information into booklets that were placed in each room so you can read it.

Ali na ovo pitanje ne znamo ni min odgovor: zašto svi na povijesnim portretima izgledaju tako tužno?
Pitamo se, hoćemo li tako i min izgledat tužno kad nan za četiristotinjak godišć slike budu na nikon izložbi?

But, we don’t know the answer to this question. Why are all the people on the historical portraits so said?
We are wondering now, are we going to look said when our photos will be exhibited in some four hundred years?


P.S. Muzej je u baroknoj palači, najlipšoj gornjogradskoj palači. I nismo mogli odolit ne slikat ove peći. Predobre su.

The museum is in the baroque palace, one of the most beautiful Zagreb palaces. And we couldn’t resist not taking photos of its great tile stoves.